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the Logic of designing book

This research project addresses the logic of designing as a logic of information that arises out of practical application. It exposes the kind of knowledge that lies at the heart of applied designing, illuminating how this knowledge works and can be accessed for methodical use and scientific exploration. The a priori approach of scientific research has not been able to tap into the mechanisms by which this knowledge functions as it takes shape; the present research takes an a posteriori approach. It sets out from the hypothesis that visual communication has two effective ‘aggregate states’ in terms of the qualities of information; each works in a different way. On the one hand, the physical shape as a tangible, informative piece of information communicates from within as an

expression. On the other hand, intangible, ‘non-informative’ information captures a situation from different perspectives and takes effect from the outside as an impression. Las Vegas served as the practical research field. Here, the epistemic logic of knowledge in designing (‘designing as

research’) was applied methodically in order to expose the ways in which these qualities of information take effect within the atmosphere and visual context of the casino resorts

and hotels.

It was revealed that the two qualities of information in fact triangulate data, which explains the transforming creative processes that permit the emergence of something new. A process was developed in order to evaluate the effects of visual communication from the floor designs with regard to human movement in space and time. The floor patterns have a direct informative influence on physical movement: they direct how slow, fast or purposeful visitors move on them.

The results provide an insight into a more specific treatment of qualities of information and show that the logic of designing is ready to be integrated into the world of academic research as a field of knowledge in its own right.


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